Random WordPress Function

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Function Signature:


Function Description:

Returns an array containing the references of the passed blocks and their inner blocks.

Function Examples:

⚠️ Examples below are generated with GPT-3 once every hour. Do not take them too seriously.
Consider them as some extra input in your learning process - reason about them. Will it work? What could fail?
// Basic example: Flatten a nested array of blocks
$nested_blocks = array(
        'blockName' => 'core/paragraph',
        'attrs' => array(),
        'innerBlocks' => array(
                'blockName' => 'core/image',
                'attrs' => array(),
                'innerBlocks' => array(),
$flattened_blocks = _flatten_blocks( $nested_blocks );
// Handling empty array: Check if the array is empty before flattening
$empty_blocks = array();
if ( ! empty( $empty_blocks ) ) {
    $flattened_blocks = _flatten_blocks( $empty_blocks );
// Error handling: Validate input before passing it to _flatten_blocks
$invalid_blocks = 'This is not an array';
if ( is_array( $invalid_blocks ) ) {
    $flattened_blocks = _flatten_blocks( $invalid_blocks );
} else {
    echo 'Invalid input. Please provide an array of blocks.';